App Library: Sync-UP KIDS Watch



The KIDS Sync-UP Watch has a limited number of pre-made and installed apps and themes. The business wants to continue to improve the user experience and grow the number of T-Mobile customers that buy the KIDS Sync-UP Watch.

Part of this includes making a more personalized and enjoyable experience by adding an App Library feature that allows parents to install and uninstall apps/themes on their children’s watches.

My Role

UX Designer and Researcher


January 2023 - February 2023


Figma, Slack, Jira

The Challenge

This app library provides a unique challenge from other app libraries/stores because not only is it a multimodal system (smartphone & smartwatch), but because parents can have multiple kids there needs to be the ability to install/uninstall app separately for different watches.

The Solution

  1. Redesign the dashboard and navigation to make it easier to find and understand what School Mode is.

  2. Add Scheduled School Mode so parents don’t have to constantly remember to turn School Mode on and off.

  3. Pause toggle for Scheduled School Modes so parents don’t have to delete and recreate them due to summer/winter break.

Competitive Analysis

I utilized common app libraries/stores for visual and information hierarchy inspiration. However, one of them main differences for the Sync-UP KIDS Watch is that we couldn’t simply have a “Get” button next to each app card/tile because parents need the ability to install apps on separate watches.

System Architecture

I collaborated with the developers to gather technical information about the watches functionality and restraints in order to create a user flow as well as an installation flow.

User Flow

Install Flow


Visual Mockup


Upper Management was happy and excited to move forward in developing this feature, but T-Mobile hired a new CEO and shortly after it was decided that all new feature developments would be stopped for many of the products the emerging products team was working on including the Sync-UP KIDS Watch.

This project laid the ground work for the deployment of an app library if/when T-Mobile decides to invest in the growth of the Sync-UP KIDS Watch.

SaaS web application: Pre-visit planning tool used by primary care physician offices to help doctors spend more time with patients and less time on administrative tasks, and subsequently increasing profitability.

Next Project…


School Mode - SyncUP Kids Watch


T-Mobile SynchUP KIDS Watch Weather App